
Eight years of professional experience and three years of self-taught and course-trained software development skills. Curious and self-motivated with a love for creating. Shows natural leadership, integrity, technical skill, and attention to detail. Intrigued by the business strategy accompanying the tech. Adaptable and proficient, capably delivering on promises and responsibilities. Encouraging and cooperative team member that smoothly blends with the demands of people around him.

Professional Work

InceptionU - Full Stack Developer

Feb 2023 - Current - Full Time

Notable Projects:

  • Unstuck - Full-stack application that empowers high school students to learn, execute and retain critical thinking skills.
  • Connect Cause - Full-stack application that connects passionate individuals with volunteering Cause opportunities in the city, matching them up based on values and purpose.
  • Omni-gamer Leaderboard - Back-end application tracks shared leaderboards across various games using the Elo score system. A sophisticated algorithm combines individual and category leaderboards into a joint overall leaderboard, displaying the relative winner overall no matter each game’s scoring methodology.


  • Architected projects from the ground up by validating the commercial feasibility, applying critical thinking and human-centred design methods, and selecting the most effective and efficient tech stack to deploy, which resulted in an immediately impactful app with a reactive UI.
  • Led the group through learning a new tech stacks, providing assistance to teammates in comprehending new frameworks, code structure, and technologies, resulting in a highly collaborative environment that grew everyone’s technical abilities.
  • Addressed inter-team conflicts and work style differences effectively and sensitively to maintain momentum for the team.
  • Continuous Integration/Deployment Pipeline Integration, pull requests, code reviews, load/stress testing, unit/integration/e2e testing

RJC Engineers - 3D BIM Modeler and Drafter + Software Developer

Oct 2020 – Apr 2022 - Part Time (Software Dev Role)

Nov 2016 – April 2022 - Full Time (3D BIM Modeler and Drafter Role)

Notable Projects:

  • General Notes Automatic Layout Tool - (backend, native add-in frontend)
  • General Notes Import Tool - (backend)


  • Overcame the challenge of automating critical project requirements without any prior coding experience by learning several coding languages and git while maintaining regular responsibilities amidst full project workloads.
  • Increased the efficiency in the general notes design process for new projects company-wide by 1440%, reducing a process from 4 hrs to 10 sec per project.

Max Technologies - Customer Development Manager

Jun 2022 - Sept 2022 - Part Time · Contract


  • Designed and implemented the first version of a buyer, vendor, and sales agent facing website to allow clients to track their contracts. Guided the product and business development for this start-up in the B2B software market following the Customer Development Model and a user-focused product development technique.
  • Developed collateral including a website, emails and signatures, sales data sheets, pitch decks, and presentations. Researched our target market and put together honest and fair business strategies using customer insights.
  • Built company workflows including automation for Asana, Slack,, and Hubspot integrating them into other company management tools.


Rights and Freedoms Advocate - Digital Communications Manager

Jun 2022 – Feb 2023 - Part Time


Google Tag ManagerGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Ad Manager Meta Ads Manager Kindful CRM Software Integration


  • Utilized expertise in configuring complex applications, devising solutions to technology issues, and quickly learning new tools and software to drive adoption of digital marketing tools and integration into the business model.
  • Set up Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager enabling the charity to track audience interactions with the site and social media platforms resulting in more focused and successful campaigns, growing audience by 250%.
  • Designed and drafted blog posts alongside email marketing including adding embedded videos images links to external sites while keeping them in the websites' design language.
  • Designed built website including current cases media news dynamic blog pages which were generated from a connected database cutting blog post generation in half the time while keeping the design consistent between each post.


InceptionU - Full Stack Developer Program

Feb 2023 – Jul 2023 - Full Time

FreeCodeCamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data

Dec 2021 - Jan 2023 - Online Course

Chthonic Software - Pair Programming | Tutoring | Guided Projects

Sep 2021 - Nov 2022 - Tutoring

Digital Engineering 233 - C++ - University of Calgary

Sep 2014 - Jan 2015 - Full Time

SAIT Polytechnic - Architectural Technologies Diploma

Sept 2011 - Apr 2013 - 4.0/4.0 GPA w/ honours


Calgary Drop-In Centre - Breakfast duty twice per month

May 2023 - Ongoing

InceptionU - Tutored fellow students, aided facilitators debugging

May 2023 - Ongoing

Platform Calgary - Discover Tech YYC 2023

May 2023


Character Reference:

Academic Reference:

Professional Reference:

  • Joe Falica - Lead BIM Technologist | RJC Engineers Inc. | 403-606-2418 |